Refunds, voids and chargebacks
What is Refund?
It may happen that your customer wants their money back. The process of returning money is called Refund. How much does Refund cost? Each refund costs 0,3€ — that's amount is charged by Visa and Mastercard. Can I just return cash to customer? It is forbidden to make refunds with cash if the payment was done by card. That might seem a little odd but Visa and Mastercard demand it. If you get caught doing that you might be banned from using Wellet or any other POS forever.
What is Void?
There is a special type of free refund — it is called "Void" and has a separate button inside our app. You can void the transaction till 23:59 CET on the day when the transaction was created.
What is Chargeback?
If you do not return money or you have made it illegally, customers can contact Visa and Mastercard directly and ask for a Chargeback. Special investigation will be initiated — quite an unpleasant thing. First of all that will cost you 15€, secondly you will have to prove the transaction was legitimate with receipts, invoices, collection documents and so on and so forth. Better to avoid that at all.
You can receive Chargeback if you do not perform proper authorization and adhere to correct processing procedures.
What will happen if I have a lot of refund or chargebacks?
If there are a lot of refunds (or chargebacks, which is even worse) your account and business will look suspicious which can lead to different consequences including increased transaction fees, creatinga Reserve account and settin up Trading limits.
What is Reserve account?
If you are suspected in some fraudulent transactions, a special account will be opened on your name. From that point you will be charged additional transcation fees from 3% to 10%, which will be going straight to the new account. That money will be used to used to minimize risk for any future refunds, chargebacks and fraudulent transactions. All the details is covered in Terms and Conditions and Appendix 2 - Reserve.
If you do business honestly and lawfully that is unlikely to happen.
What is Trading limits?
If you are suspected in fraud, trading limits may be set above a certain number or value of transactions. When you reach that mumber or value — you will be asked for additional documentation. Tradinig limits are covered by Terms and Conditions.
It is very rare.
If you do business honestly and lawfully that is unlikely to happen.